AI and Jobs: Exploring the Real Impact

Anup Paudel
3 min readJul 10, 2024


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Imagine waking up one morning, grabbing your smartphone, and scrolling through your news feed. The headline screams,

“AI Set to Eliminate 40% of Jobs by 2030!”

Your heart races. Is your job at risk? Are we facing a future where humans are obsolete in the face of artificial intelligence?

Take a deep breath. While AI is reshaping the job market, the reality is more nuanced than sensational headlines suggest. Like the steam engine, electricity, and the internet before it, AI represents a transformative technology that will change how we work — but not necessarily in the catastrophic way some predict.

The Current State of AI in the Workplace

Before diving into the future, let’s ground ourselves in the present. AI is already revolutionizing industries and job roles across the board.

Take customer service, for example. Chatbots powered by natural language processing manage an increasing share of customer inquiries. These AI assistants handle multiple conversations simultaneously, provide instant 24/7 responses, and understand context and emotion to a significant extent . However, they haven’t made human customer service representatives redundant. Instead, AI typically handles routine queries, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues requiring empathy and nuanced understanding.

In finance, AI algorithms are transforming investment strategies. Machine learning models in high-frequency trading analyze market trends and execute trades in milliseconds. Yet, the finance sector still heavily relies on human expertise for strategic decisions, risk assessment, and client relationships.

Healthcare also sees significant AI integration. Machine learning models can now detect certain cancers from medical images with accuracy rivaling experienced radiologists [3]. Rather than replacing doctors, these tools enhance their capabilities, enabling more informed diagnoses and improved patient care.

Even creative industries, traditionally driven by human ingenuity, are embracing AI. AI-generated art wins competitions, and language models produce coherent articles and stories. However, these tools primarily assist and inspire human creators rather than replacing them entirely.

The key takeaway? AI is redefining jobs more than eliminating them. It automates routine tasks, boosts productivity, and opens new possibilities. Importantly, AI currently works in collaboration with human workers, not in competition against them.

Moving forward, it’s crucial to recognize that the AI revolution isn’t about “jobs lost” versus “jobs saved.” Instead, it reshapes the employment landscape, with implications far beyond simple job displacement.

During the Industrial Revolution, the introduction of mechanical looms led to widespread concern among textile workers. The Luddites, a group of English textile workers, even went as far as destroying machinery in protest. Yet, while some traditional weaving jobs were indeed lost, the revolution ultimately created more jobs than it destroyed. New roles emerged in factories, and increased productivity led to economic growth that spawned entirely new industries.

Fast forward to the digital revolution of the late 20th century. The rise of personal computers and the internet sparked similar fears of job losses. However, while some roles became obsolete, the tech industry boomed, creating millions of new jobs that hadn’t existed before. Who could have predicted the need for app developers, social media managers, or cloud computing specialists in the 1980s?

AI is likely to follow a similar pattern. While it will undoubtedly automate certain tasks and potentially eliminate some jobs, it’s also poised to create new opportunities we can’t yet imagine.

The future of work is not a zero-sum game between humans and AI. Instead, it’s likely to be characterized by collaboration, with AI handling routine tasks and data processing while humans focus on areas requiring creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex decision-making. By embracing this partnership and preparing ourselves accordingly, we can look forward to a future where AI enhances rather than threatens human potential in the workplace.



Anup Paudel

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